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Lemony Snickety Snack

The upcoming Easter holiday inspired me to buy a ridiculously large bage of lemons and then proceed to add lemon juice, lemon slices, and lemon zest to everything I’m cooking. When I plunked the gimantico bag of lemons into the shopping cart, ignoring the raised eyebrow that Chad threw my way (he has learned not …

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A Sister’s Request

My littlest sister is a pretty proficient kitchen-ista (our other sister is the brownie/pumpkin muffin queen; her ability to bake any and everything into muffin cups can’t be touched). Every once in awhile she sends me a completely random photo of something she found a minute to prepare (though I have no idea when she …

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Mismatched Shoes

Let me explain for a minute how mornings go down in this house. I am always the first one up. I shuffle into the kitchen and start the coffee (coffee is always #1; if you doubt that, read this). The lamp beside the couch flips on and I call out to Andrew, my oldest son, …

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One Sec, I’m Doin’ a Scene

Don’t worry… “One sec, I’m doin’ a scene,” doesn’t make much sense to me either. Which is too bad, because these are phrases that my two boys spin to Chad and I on the daily. When I call Evan for dinner he says, “One sec!” One sec usually evolves into another few minutes, during which I inevitably …

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Muffins for Monday

My kids come in from school in the afternoon totally freaking famished. You would think that they hadn’t eaten all day. Or for two or three days. They head straight for the kitchen and start rummaging through cabinets and standing with the refrigerator ajar staring at the contents. This is a practice that drives me …

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Quick & Simple

We all know that weekday rush to put some semblance of nutrition on the dinner table in a reasonable amount of time. Monday through Friday means work, school, traffic, activities, homework, stress. Stress. More Stress. Raise your hand if you wanna stress about what to eat! Anyone? Hullo? Right. Me neither. Pinterest has yielded, yet …

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Cheesecake Obstacles

If food is not allowed in the living room, and definitely not allowed on the couch, then how is it that there are crumbs under the cushions? This is a very important question. Also– why do the little boys not rinse the sink after brushing their teeth? Why do they leave socks under the bed? …

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Birthday Season

Yesterday was my little boy’s ninth birthday. Happy Birthday Evan!!! Tomorrrow is my sister’s. Happy Birthday Sister!!! Since Evan was born he has shared his birthday parties with my littlest sister (or rather she has shared hers with him) since their birthdays fall only two days apart. Right here at the end of February, birthday …

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Empty Box

We had our Valentine’s Day date over the weekend… it was just easier that way. No work to worry about in the morning, no early bedtimes for the little boys, no reservations required at every restaurant on earth… it was just a little more simple than trying to make our great evening escape during the week. …

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Tuna Melt

Yesterday was dreary and rainy. To make matters worse, I had a sick(ish) kid at home. It was a day that made me want a hot cup of tea on my sofa with a blanket and a book. But since there was no time for curling up on the couch, I moved on to the …

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