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Banana Oatmeal Muffins

There is HEALTH squished into these muffins.   Since it’s January and I know you guys want healthy things in your lives. I want healthy things in my life, too. But also chocolate. It’s a balancing act. Muffins help me walk the line. Feels like a cupcake. Fills like oatmeal. Annnd there’s fruit. It’s good …

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Carrot Cake Truffles

Carrot Cake Truffles… also known as How to Make Carrot Cake a Finger Food. But these perfect little balls of carrot cake and cream cheese frosting were, for me, kind of bittersweet. For those of you that know me, you know that I am basically not capable of sitting down and watching TV, but the …

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Sugar Cut-Out Cookies & Royal Frosting

This post is actually all about celebration. Today my baby sister graduated college. I could not be more proud of her. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!! So my whole family got together, and hollered EXTRA loudly at her Commencement Ceremony. We hugged her EXTRA tight at the following reception. We toasted her with EXTRA good champagne afterwards while we …

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Whoops! …Cookie Fails

This past Friday marked the first of several Christmas parties we will be attending this month. The upcoming events are all with family and I am sooooooo the most excited about our Christmas Eve plans with my brothers and sisters. Those plans involve some serious cookie decorating, funny Christmas movies, and take out food while …

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Raspberry Apple Pie Bars

I honestly DO NOT KNOW  how we got to the weekend. It was Tuesday, and it felt like it took soooooooo looooong to get to Tuesday, and then I blinked and it was Friday night. Speaking of Friday night– my kid has plans. I just dropped him off at a boy/girl birthday party… with a …

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Cranberry Honey Grilled Cheese

This sandwich is like winning the lottery. Do you all play the lottery? Because tomorrow the drawing is gonna be something like $425 million, and holy moly wouldn’t that solve a lot of problems? I’m a tentative lottery ticket buyer. The five-dollar-gambler. That’s me. If the incentive is high enough we drive to the nearest …

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Maple Walnut Blondies

We can add Applebee’s to the list of restaurants in which I paid my service industry dues. I worked in the kitchen, I waited tables, I poured a lot of draft beer into tall frosty glasses. I can give you some serious inside information on this nationwide chain restaurant. In case you care, they make …

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